Unique Plants for Your Garden

October 4, 2023

Don’t forget your garden when you decorate for spooky season! From oddly textured foliage to plants with spine-tingling names, we’ll unearth the secrets to creating a garden that’s delightfully unconventional and thoroughly bewitching. Grab your gardening gloves and a sense of whimsy as we explore the bizarre and captivating world of plants that will bring a touch of Halloween magic to your green space.

A plant that is sure to excite your curiosity, Colocasia ‘Pharaoh’s Mask’ has an appearance that is truly out of this world. This striking plant is perfect for adding a touch of spookiness to your Halloween festivities. Its unique foliage, reminiscent of ancient Egyptian masks, will stand out in your seasonal displays. Pharaoh’s Mask thrives in well-draining, moist soil, so ensure that it receives consistent watering, keeping the soil evenly damp. Place this plant in partial to full shade, as it prefers indirect sunlight and protection from harsh midday sun to prevent scorching of its unique, ornamental leaves.

Spooky plant: Night Owl Sansieviera

Behold the eerie charm of Sansevieria ‘Night Owl’. With a name that conjures visions of midnight adventures and a compact, spiky variegated appearance, this unique plant is an exciting addition to your spooky celebrations. Its sleek, green leaves, adorned with interesting silver-green stripes, will cast an enchanting spell on your space. To care for your Sansevieria Night Owl, place it in bright, indirect light, water sparingly to prevent root rot, and enjoy its low-maintenance, hauntingly beautiful presence year-round – it’s a great choice for a plant that’s as fun as it is mysterious.

Blood Red Impatiens repens are spooky plants

Introducing Impatiens repens, the intriguing plant that’s an absolute must for adding a chilling touch to your garden. Its blood-red foliage that drapes like a curtain will cast creepy shadows. But here’s the twist that makes it truly unique: when it blooms, it will show off yellow flowers that will hide among its leaves like secrets in the darkness. To care for your Impatiens repens, provide it with partial to full shade, keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and watch in delight as this mysterious beauty thrives easily in your garden, leaving everyone mesmerized by its rare and enchanting appearance.

Elevate your spooky season with the enigmatic Ficus Triangularis! Its leaves, strangely resembling the planchette on a Ouija board, can add something special to any space. With deep green and creamy hues and the triangular shape, this plant’s foliage casts a spell of  fascination. To care for your Ficus Triangularis, provide bright, indirect light, water when the top inch of soil feels dry, and maintain consistent humidity levels. With proper care, you’ll have an entrancing and attractive addition to your indoor garden.

Voodoo Plant stem 1

Have you ever come across a Voodoo Lily? The one-of-a-kind, maroon-spotted stem and enormous, umbrella-like leaves are going to turn heads!  The infrequent flowers of this rare plant emit a pungent odor that is often described as resembling rotting meat. This odor serves to attract pollinators such as flies and beetles. Care for your Voodoo Lily by providing well-draining soil, bright indirect light, and occasional watering. This plant makes a cryptic addition to your garden that’s bound to mystify.

Dark black textural leaves of a spooky plant called Dragon Scales.

Now for something very cool, Alocasia ‘Dragon Scale’! With a name that evokes tales of mythical creatures and leaves adorned with a texture we imagine to be like dragon scales, this beautiful plant is an oddity certain to uplevel your spooky decor. It has a dark green, almost metallic appearance and it is a standout feature in any indoor, patio, or garden collection. To care for your Alocasia Dragon Scale, provide bright, indirect light, keep the soil consistently moist but not wet, and maintain higher humidity levels. This is a gorgeous addition to an indoor or outdoor jungle that will definitely spark conversations all year round.

At last, it’s time to take out the cauldron and mix up an unforgettable potion. For this we need Frog Fruit, Mini Monstera, Bat Plant, and the head of a Pumpkin!  Each of these plants are unusual additions to a plant collection and they ooze with Halloween charm.

Every witch needs a frog! Frog Fruit is a low-growing, ground-covering plant with small, round, and bright green leaves. It produces tiny, inconspicuous white or pink flowers that can attract pollinators. Frog Fruit is hardy and drought-tolerant. It thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. Water sparingly once established, as it is quite resilient.
Trap a monster and add him to your cauldron. Mini Monstera, often called “Swiss Cheese Vine," features lush, windowed leaves that resemble those of the larger Monstera deliciosa. Provide Mini Monstera with bright, indirect light and a well-draining potting mix. Allow the soil to partially dry between waterings and maintain moderate humidity for success.
Once the cauldron starts to bubble, toss in Bat Plant, also known as the Devil's Whiskers. It boasts dramatic and striking flowers that resemble bat faces. These unusual blooms have long "whiskers" and a dark, velvety appearance, making them truly unique in the plant world. Bat Plants prefer filtered light, high humidity, and well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist but not wet. They thrive in warm, tropical conditions and do well under trees.
Hoya plants that have been decorated like pumpkins.
And for the last step, add the head of a pumpkin, or a Hoya kerrii in disguise as a pumpkin. This cutie is famous for its thick, succulent leaves that resemble heart shapes, making it a popular gift. Its leaves are typically deep green and sometimes variegated. Provide Hoya kerrii with bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Water thoroughly but allow the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. This plant is relatively low-maintenance.

We hope you have enjoyed this assortment of odd plants that we promise will turn your garden into a Halloween wonderland!  For more unique and rare finds, jump over to past posts and visit us at Pinder’s Nursery to see them live!